If recent times, the new became more scattered, is that first of all we were on vacation. Family celebrations, reunions, simple pleasures, effusions, calories ... and miles, many miles. Probably too. 2400 in car under the snow, then rain for four days on site ... miscalculation. A rethink for next time.
This silence is also, quite simply, there are sometimes fewer things to say. This blog has never been a chronicle of family life, the Journal of Laeti . And the paper then takes on a more ordinary. So not much point in particular to tell.
But this non event is actually true. For us, an ordinary life is very special.
For some time, our life is returning to normal, I would say banal. A rhythm that we left in early 2009. But with Laetitia, the daily routine is never synonymous. Instead, it rhymes with surprises, passion, strokes of reds, joy, love, courage, fighting (and thousands of iPhone). What
serenity to find a more simple because of the progress. Tonight, for example, I was at a preview and the one who took care of two children, alone. Not entirely new. What is new is that these moments where Laetitia was no longer accompanied only the slightest anxiety. In the past, it was always that I be contacted by phone in case. Now I'm gone. I realized after two hours of screen time that I do not pick up and it did not cause any concern in me. Apart from the fact of not being able to greet my two young clients who had the blonde try to call me in vain. A regular
so that we welcome with great enthusiasm. We do not ask much more.
Otherwise, in brief:
- We were fortunate to have dinner before Christmas with a medical officer Resuscitation Lariboisière. A beautiful reunion. A highlight. The time to stand still. We listened to it again the unfolding minute by minute the first time Lariboisière. At once terrifying and so full of hope. We knew what had been the reluctance to operate as Laeti his case seemed hopeless. It was learned that the morning after surgery, there were differing views within the medical profession. Some were convinced that everything had to stop and give a helping hand to go faster. Others believe, they fought. They were right. But with Laetitia, you can do non-judgmental about these weighty decisions. In retrospect, it's easy to have an opinion. But at the moment to decide, it's something else. And for a good story as Laetitia, how many are there in much less poetic? Some patients, many years after this type of intervention, still treat their doctor criminal (or, as they are aphasic, they do understand one way or another).
- We still have no news of medical expertise. The team of journalists investigating our history is impressed. There are delays that have the appearance of scandal.
- Finally, note that if you are Laetitia's friends on Facebook, that's for sure, she knows everything about you. With its iPhone, all your albums lines are scanned, analyzed and discussed in real time. In the car, during the thirteen hours of the trip, she has continued to fling me in front of my shots to get informed opinion ... and this when I was trying to overtake a 38 tons in the rain looking for my right nipple Philippine stuck under a seat. With Laetitia, breaks on the highway are not a function of fatigue, hunger or fuel ... but his phone battery that must be constantly and urgently reload. Hooked!
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