Saturday, February 12, 2011

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following copy of a message that Laetitia has just received. A story that has many similarities with that of Laetitia. Very touching, naturally:

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While surfing sites on aphasia, I read your blog "The Journal de Laet. This blog is a hymn to love, joy and hope. It is with great pleasure that we are witnessing the rebirth of Laetitia. She fights with such courage and determination, aided by the love of his. Do not Laeti concerned, she was, she is and always will be a great mom. Bravo to the husband who accompanied his wife on the road so painful and difficult. Bravo to the dad who was able to reassure and care for their wonderful children.

Your struggle is our struggle. Sunday April 11, 2010 our 20 year old daughter was uncomfortable with her boyfriend. She was immediately supported by firefighters who transfer to hospital. We live far away and so we are informed by telephone. The first news is somewhat reassuring, but as the day as information becomes increasingly alarming. We take the road to join her at the hospital more quickly, the way we learn that it is transported by ambulance to another hospital.

On our arrival we meet the doctor guard who informs us that our daughter has had a stroke caused by a clot, it remains reassuring about his condition. We are finally seeing our child does not respond to our arrival, we do not know if she recognizes us, some movements of his left side but nothing on the right. The next day his condition is stable, it remains without reaction. We are told that his condition may be due to drugs received to treat his seizures. So we leave here and decide to do a daily round trip by train to be with our daughter.

Tuesday morning we're on the train when we get a call from the hospital. They can not explain over the phone what is happening but they urgently waiting our arrival. Barely arrival we were received by the medical team informed us that our daughter is cerebral edema and they explain all the consequences.

An ultimatum us is posed: either we let it die, or we allow the operation (craniotomy) with the risk of a very severe handicap. We accept the operation.

After a new scanner, or ambulance transfer our daughter to the hospital Lariboisière specialist in neurosurgery, where it is performed in an emergency. The operation was successful. After a night of anxiety we can finally see our daughter. With great emotion we come first to get in touch with our child. The diagnosis is a right-sided paralysis and severe aphasia.

After 5 days in ICU and a day in intensive care, our daughter back to the first hospital where we were greeted warmly, they call it "the miracle". She will make her first steps into the corridor of this hospital. Two weeks later, transfer to the rehabilitation center with daily sessions of physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy. Six months of hospitalization with full output at the weekend, then since November day hospital (3 days per week with speech therapy, occupational therapy and weight training) plus two other sessions of speech therapy in private.

December 17, our daughter was hospitalized again Lariboisière for cranioplasty. Everything went well and she can return home quickly from December 22.

Laetitia As our daughter is fighting with great courage, ; few moments of discouragement when she asks many questions about his professional future and sentimental. What role will she in a society where we accept any difference? The path is still long and arduous, but day after day progresses.

We are very proud of her. We must all keep faith in the future.

We wish you much joy and happiness in your new life.



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